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How Does Being a Convicted Felon Affect My Chances at Future Employment?

By Denise Miller |

A felony is a serious charge. Any person who is facing a felony is subject to—at a minimum—one year in state prison. Of course, most felony charges carry the possibility of even more time behind bars. Further, they can follow you around for the rest of your life. The research is clear: A felony… Read More »

What are the Limitations of a Restraining Order?

By Denise Miller |

In Florida, a restraining order could be put in place against a person who is accused of domestic violence, stalking, or persistent harassment. A restraining order is legally binding. If a person violates it, they can be arrested and charged with a serious criminal offense. It is crucial that any person who is subject… Read More »

Can a Grand Theft Conviction be Expunged?

By Denise Miller |

Were you or your family member arrested for grand theft in Florida? It is a serious matter. Grand theft is a felony offense. You may be wondering: Can I get a grand theft conviction expunged from my record in Florida? As a general rule, the answer is “no”—a grand theft arrest with no conviction… Read More »

When Should You Take a Plea Bargain in a Felony Case?

By Denise Miller |

Only a relatively small share of criminal cases go to trial in Florida. Plea deals are far more common. The American Bar Association (ABA) explains that these types of agreements generally involve “the defendant pleading guilty to a lesser charge, or to only one of several charges.” Additionally, the defendant will often receive a… Read More »

What to Expect When Facing Criminal Charges in Stuart, FL?

By Denise Miller |

Facing criminal charges can be one of the most stressful and overwhelming experiences in a person’s life. The uncertainty, fear of the unknown, and the potential consequences can take a significant toll on your mental and emotional well-being. At the Law Office of Denise Miller in Stuart, Florida, we understand the gravity of your… Read More »

When Would a Drug Crime Be a Felony in Florida?

By Denise Miller |

According to comprehensive data from the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics (NCDAS), approximately 1.1 million Americans are arrested and charged with drug-related offenses each year. These charges may be brought at the federal level or the state level—and cases could be handled as either a misdemeanor or a felony. This raises an important… Read More »

What Is The Difference Between Expungement And Sealing In Florida?

By Denise Miller |

Navigating the criminal justice system can be a daunting experience, and understanding the options available to clear or restrict your criminal record is crucial. In Florida, two legal remedies often discussed are expungement and sealing of criminal records. While both processes can significantly benefit individuals seeking a fresh start, they have distinct differences that… Read More »

What are the Penalties for Violating a Restraining Order in Florida?

By Denise Miller |

As explained by the Florida Courts, a restraining order (protective order) is “a court order that tells one person to stay away from and not contact another person.” Restraining orders are legally binding. If a person violates the terms of a restraining order, he or she can face serious penalties—potentially including jail time. The… Read More »

Juveniles and Grand Theft: Special Considerations and Penalties

By Denise Miller |

Grand theft is a serious criminal offense. It is a felony in Florida. However, a juvenile (17 years of age or under) who is arrested for and charged with grand theft has special considerations that should be kept in mind. At The Law Office of Denise Miller, PA, we have extensive experience handling both… Read More »

What is the Difference Between Grand Theft and Petit Theft?

By Denise Miller |

Theft is a serious criminal offense. If you are arrested and charged with theft in Florida, you could face jail time—potentially a significant amount of time behind bars. What penalties will you face? The answer depends on a number of different factors, including whether or not you are facing allegations of grand theft or… Read More »

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